Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Visiting Oberlin

Much has happened since my last post. I went to Oberlin for Spring Break. The first day I was there we went to hear Alfred Brendel play Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 with the Cleveland Orchestra. He's such a legend! It was amazing to have the opportunity to hear him play. I hope I can make music like that when I'm 77. The orchestra played Brahms No. 4 for the second half. I think it's the first time I've heard the orchestra when they sounded over-rehearsed. (Too many violin auditions.)

Friday night was Nertz, Lorenzo's, and cookie night, mainly to celebrate Anne Lance's visit. She's a former Obie and she's a riot! I've loved getting to know her better.

Saturday, March 1, was Erin Durham's big day! She was brave enough to schedule her recital on her birthday. Her family came in town from Boston. They are delightful people and have much to teach me. I love to observe their joy for life, the vigor with which they play with their children, the emphasis on education and hard work that permeates their activities, the willingness to love, sacrifice, understand, listen. Wow. Kjirsti and Tom hosted a waffle birthday breakfast in the morning. Erin's recital was at 4:30. What a treat! She is such a vibrant and thoughtful player. I loved her programing which included music by Mozart, Part, Ives, and a piece written by a friend, (Elise, I think) at Oberlin. I only hope my recital will go half so well. We all went to Udapi, a fantastic Indian restaurant for dinner.
After church on Sunday, the Obies and Erin's family gathered at Steve's where we ate and played games all day and most of the night. It was a wonderful weekend.

The weather was crazy! Oberlin was covered in snow when I arrived, but by the end of the weekend it all melted away and offered an appetizer of Spring. Then an ice storm set in. (Fascinating! The ice was like frosted sand under your feet, and the trees glistened the next day extra vibrantly and delicately.) Over the weekend all of northern Ohio was completely snowed in as two new fresh feet of snow determinedly fell.

For me the week included practicing as much as I could, hanging out with dear friends, meeting with Mr. Vitek and my former studio, a fabulous dinner at Pier W, a second trip to the Orchestra to hear Messiaen and Mahler, (unbelievably gorgeous - I LOVE Mahler!) and many more things. Kjirsti, I want your ginger cookie recipe! What a wonderful week!