Monday, November 12, 2012

Back to it

I am determined to start blogging again, so here I am.  Life in Oberlin is going pretty well. I love the town and the many enriching lectures, concerts, even puppet-shows that are readily available. I don't take advantage of as much as I should. I wish I had more friends with a similar schedule to mine to share life with me here.

It's been a busy Fall for us. I am working on a new business, writing a book, teaching, auditioning, performing a little, and mostly being a mom to my beautiful and brilliant daughter. Steve just finished editing a book and has been arranging parts furiously for a Brazilian band for Sonia's 40th birthday party. He's amazing.

I suppose you can't blog this time of year and not say - I voted.  I have a B.A. in Politics, so, as you might imagine, I've been eating and drinking every moment of this election cycle. I find it all very enthralling. My favorite source for meaningful and balanced information is the Diane Rehm Show. Diane, I love you, and you many never retire. Ever. Ever.

I listened to the most fascinating interview about economics! Life-changing and not to be missed!

Check this out and then call me and we can talk about it. I love discussing economics almost as much as politics.

I miss all my friends and family who are far away. I think about you often and hope we will not always be so far apart. Here's a picture of Lydia. No post is really complete without one.


Catherine @ Cat on a Limb said...

Welcome back to blogging! I look forward to seeing your posts and of course many photos of your sweet baby girl. :)

Lindsey said...

Mary, I just love you. I love the variety in your life, I love beautiful little Lydia, and wish wish I was closer to spend time with you.