Sunday, December 02, 2007


I was driving home by myself late at night (as usual) and a homeless man carrying sign approached my car window. It's a relatively common occurrence here in Houston, but it still makes me uncomfortable. I didn't have any food to give him so, I tried rather sheepishly to divert my glances. When I realized he was coming close enough that it was necessary to make eye contact he was pointing at a little smiley face he had drawn on his sign and yelled through the window that I need to lighten up and smile more. I did. I smiled for him.

It made me think of another experience a couple of weeks ago. I was out for pizza with some friends and we were sitting next to the window. Another homeless man had been pacing the block and I remember feeling -- as mentioned above -- a little frightened. A young waitress walked out carrying a drink. She gave it to the man and put her arm around him. She told him the drink was for him and spent quite a while convincing him to come inside where she could give him something to eat.

I know there are dangers and one shouldn't put himself in harm's way, but I honestly feel cold hearted. What would the Savior do? He would have put his arm around that man, too.


Mike and Amber said...

Don't feel cold-hearted! The savior would want you to take care of yourself and be safe. Problem is, we never know the circumstances surrounding others' lives.

Audrey said...

I have the same thoughts--the Christlike ones. I always feel terribly for those people standing on the side of the road and wonder where are their family members that should be caring for them or loving them? It's important to realize that a large majority of them have a mental illness of some kind, so you do have to be safe, but that waitress did the right thing. She was in a public place and she showed compassion. What a thoughtful woman. I should be more like that.

Tonya said...

I agree with amber - you just never, you can't be responsible for everybody. we just do our best and don't beat ourselves up over the little things we don't do. plus, if you makes you feel any better I would have told the guy outside my car to "get a job." - see you're less cold-hearted than me - that's something =)

Susanne said...

Dear Mary,
The church leaders have instructed us to give through the church and other organizations. I agree with you that we should be putting our arms around our brothers and sisters, but unfortunately in our world there are sometimes dangers in doing that. Be compassionate whenever the circumstances allow you to do so in safety and then contribute to the humanitarian funds and welfare services of the church.